I took a watercolor workshop a few weeks ago. When I was AB it was one of the things I loved most - I belonged to a calligraphy society and had the blessing of studying with some of the biggest names in the Calligraphic art world. It was pure joy.
If you think it is real, please, just for one moment consider: there is a flower in South America whose stamens and pistil resemble a female wasp. The male wasps emerge before the females, and, thinking that the pistils are a female, the male investigates, and in doing so pollinates the flower. Now, imagine the odds of something like that happening. The wasp is the lone pollinator - how did the plant survive while "evolution" did its evolving over "millions of years.?" No one can say.
Why is there no fossil record of one species turning into another. Surely one lizard-becoming-a-bird took long enough to be captured by the primordial ooze! No one can explain that.
And what about the spider that lays its eggs in a stream by blowing saliva bubbles, diving, coming up to get more air and blowing another bubble it adds to the first, and finally, when there is enough air in the bubble, it lays its eggs there and climbs out of the water. While it was learning this essential behavior, a million spiders would have drowned and the others would not have been tempted to keep at such a senseless exercise.
All of these are a ginormous leap from coloring changes in moths (dark moths congregate on dark trees: change the color of the tree to white, and the moths become white, ie., the moths that survive are the light colored ones because predators eat the easily seen ones.) There is a world of difference between a light colored surviving moth and a lizard becoming a bird.
But I digress (sorry). Learning how to capture an image and compose music are two ways the spirit soars. I call it a sense of wonder - I feel the same way in the awesome forests of Big Sur, near Carmel and Monterrey in California. Or standing on a boat watching two blue whales, the largest creature on earth, circle around the boat while feeding for an hour. Why does "wonder" or an appreciation of beauty happen? There is no evolutionary benefit from my heart being filled with wonder and joy - yet it happens to every human at one time or another.
God gives us a little taste of the joy He experienced when He molded man out of dirt and breathed life into him. We were created in His image - and being able to feel joy in creating something is part of that image. I am so very grateful that He gives us moments when we are "surprised by joy" as CS Lewis put it. He could have made us able to live in a white, vast wasteland like the moon. Or a world of molten methane lakes and waterfalls like Venus.
But He didn't. His love for beauty and perfection stirred Him to create an unimaginable wonderland in that first garden. This earth is tainted and torn, worn with age, groaning to be delivered - and yet, how the vast stretches of unimpaired nature move us, and how we thrill to the power of gigantic surf or the colors of coral reefs.
What must Eden have been?
1 comment:
Oh Lynnie! So glad you were able to go to the workshop. I especially like your heron piece (or is it a crane?) I hope you can keep creating. And it is amazing how intricate God's creation is. All those little details . . . !
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