Monday, March 19, 2018

Thoughtful... What do they see?

Thinking today about Jesus and His great love for us.

We receive His love 24/7 He knows when days are rough or difficult for us - He is using them to whittle us down, to conform us to His image.

That reality is difficult to imagine.

Me, conformed into His image.


In American Sign Language, the sign for "Christian" is a combination of two components: the sign for Jesus + the marker for "person".

Literally, "Jesus person."

Am I living that way, tho? When folks are around me, do *they* see Jesus in my person? Do they feel that love that I receive so nonchalantly flowing through me to them?

Amy Carmichael, a missionary to India for more than 50 years, spent the last 10+ years of her life in bed, in pain from a fall into a covered ditch. How did she endure?
She once shared with someone who was feeling "put upon" at the moment: "See in it a chance to die."

Not an easy thing to do. I confess I am one of those who would like to live a Romans 12:1 life, but somehow I keep falling off of the altar. I am far from being perfect, as those around me can verify.

"See in it a chance to die."

Am  I willing to do that?  Willing to, in effect, *choose* the role of the foot washer instead of the one being washed? Not the poor, put upon, pitiful "saint", but a joyful and loving *chooser* whose 20/20 vision sees the chance to die to self - and does.

Oh please Lord, make it so.


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