Well, we've hit the century mark for the second day in a row - it was 102F yesterday and 101 today. We're supposed to "cool off" into the 90's by tomorrow.
It occurs to me that "hot" and "cool" are relative terms. And I am thanking God for air conditioning!
I just finished reading the book of Esther yesterday, a book about God's fingertip control of events in the only book in the Bible that doesn't mention God by name.
But oh! how it unveils the "coincidences" that change everthing - from a sleepless king having the most boring of all books read to him to discovering in said boring book that someone saved his life by reporting the plans trusted employees had made to kill him - and nothing had been done or given to the man doing the reporting at all! horrors! And even then, the king couldn't come up with what to do for him so he says "who's in the court?" And lo and behold, the adversary of the man the king wants to honor, who just had his servants erect a huge spike to impail said honoree.
So when the king asks the adversary what he should do for the man the king wants to honor, he thinks the king wants to honor him, of course and spells out this complicated extravagant plan, to have the king's clothes put on him and someone leading the kings donkey announcing to all that this man the king wants to honor.
So the king has this adversary lead the man he had intended to have Mordecai impaled on his giant spike.
Did this give him second thoughts about this plan? Noooo.
Turns out this guy not only wanted to have Mordecai killed, but every person with the same bloodline also killed. At the time, it seemed a good idea - until he discovered that the queen herself was of the same bloodline!
The king was not a happy camper.
Hayman, the adversary, was now terrified. How had this happened? He fell on the queen's couch to beg for mercy just as the king came in from the short walk to cool down his rage a bit, and sees Hayman and thinks he is trying to suddle up to the queen.
All the plans that had sounded so good to him suddenly exploded in his face. And all the servants he had treated as mere ants created to serve him in his self-importance were full of information for the king - telling him about the spike Hayman had erected to kill Mordecai and the king said, "Hang him on it". Said servants obligingly produced the executioner's hood and covered Hayman'd face with it.
The queen was told perhaps she came to be selected for just such a time as this.
We also have been seleccted for our time and place, for such a time as this: perhaps we too should be asking God what He would have us do as well.
Think about it.
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