Sunday, March 10, 2019

Israeli Springtme

I was watching the UN on TV, the most useless organization  made by mankind in this universe.They make up the most  blatant lie against the nation of Israel, and continually manufacture new ones . it's  embarassing ro watch.

When they are so obviously blatantly WRONG,  They lie as the different men hand them a paper to read. Not a single one looked confused or asked a question: they just sat and read their annoying little papers like the little lap dogs they have become.

And then....

And then stepped up a man of character,  a retired from the cia type man who had heard enough.
and he began by saying, "Mr Chairman, all the stories we have just heard are lies. I have just come from what is considered to be the heart of the fighting and there is no one and not one thing to all these accusations.

And not a soul listened.

For those of you who have swallowed all the lies and are happily boycotting Israei  goods: Has it ever occurred to you to do some actual research on the issue? Too much work.? Just listen to the hate-mongers and get all up in self-righteousness.

"But they are hurting the poor Palestinians."

Give me a break.

Those "poor Palestinians" are hate mongers.

Read "Through Time Immemorial" written by a civil rights leader who can't stand the injustice.  So... she flew to Israel, determined to expose the Israelis.

Only she discovered that the Palestinians were the ones lying.  She has documented everything.

I dare you to go to Isreal yourself You would find a calm country with big-hearted people. Of course, with all your research you have discovered that Israel has offered numerous times to build housing for the "poor Palestinians" But Hamas has refused every time.  If they can keep their"poor Palestinian" brothers from getting comfortable, they can capitalize on their growing hatred.

One Palestinian in Gaza, was badly burned by shelling - from their own people - so the Israelis rushed her to the hospital and took c/o her.They kept her from scarring.  They fed her, nursed her back to health.

And what did she do? She was stopped at the border because she had outfitted herself as a human bomb.

Where was she going? to the very hospital who had healed her, to blow up the people in the burn clinic, including the doctors.

If you support  the Palestinians, you are ignorant, and what's worse, you are willing to remain so.

And, for what it is worth, I think you are pathetic. Do some research.Until you do, you are just ignorant little snots.

thinking about  Spring

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